Qatar National Library

QNL Photography Competition: #QNLThroughMyLens

2024.8.1 00:00

Online via Instagram

Theme: The Library’s Architecture


  • Participants must be residents of Qatar with a valid Qatar ID.
  • Participants must be 18 years and above.

Photo Requirements:

  • Each participant must submit up to four photographs.
  • Photos must focus on aspects of the Library’s architecture.
  • Photos must be original and taken by the participant.
  • Photographs must be taken at Qatar National Library.
  • Photos generated by artificial intelligence (AI) are not permitted.
  • Photographs must be high-quality and high-resolution.
  • Photographs can be edited or color-graded for enhancements.
  • There are no limitations on the device used to capture the photos; they can be taken with a phone, digital camera, or professional camera.

Submission Requirements:

  • Photos must be published as a new post on Instagram.
  • The photographs can be newly captured or previously captured; however, the Instagram post must be published between 1 – 15 August 2024.
  • Profiles must be set to public to view the entries.
  • The caption of the post must include the hashtag #QNLThroughMyLens to be a valid entry.

Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality: Unique perspectives and creativity in composition.
  • Technicalities: Quality of the photo in terms of focus, lighting, and exposure.


  • All entries must be published on the participant’s Instagram account by Thursday, 15 August 2024.


  • The winner will receive an iPhone 14 Pro.

Winner Announcement:

  • The winner will be announced on 18 August 2024 (World Photography Day), on our social media channels.
  • The winner’s photos will be featured on our social media.

Terms and Conditions:

  • By entering the competition, participants agree to grant Qatar National Library the right to use the submitted photos for promotional purposes, with full credit given to the photographer.
  • The winner must agree to provide the high-resolution versions of their submissions.


Event date and time

Starts:   2024.8.1 00:00
Ends:   2024.8.15 23:59

Event location

Online via Instagram

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Qatar National Library