Qatar National Library

Exhibition: Arabian Horses in QNL's Heritage Collection

2023.2.2 15:30

Katara Building 1

Horses have always occupied a prominent place in the culture of the Arabs, and this interest increased after the advent of Islam, as horses were mentioned several times in the Noble Qur'an and hadiths.

The importance of the Arabian horse represents not only the prestige and elevation of their owners, but also the value of the animal's ethnological role and its physical aspects and aesthetics.

Qatar National Library has many historical resources on this subject, as it is considered an important part of Arabic and Islamic history, and we are constantly developing this collection.

The Heritage Library is participating in Katara International Arabian Horse Festival with a side exhibit of its resources on Arabian horses.  

Click here for more resources about Arabian horses in the Library's general collection.

Date: 2 - 11 February 2023

Time: 3:30 - 9:30 PM

Target Audience: Public 

This is an open event; RSVP is not required

Event date and time

Starts:   2023.2.2 15:30
Ends:   2023.2.11 21:30

Event location

Katara Building 1

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