Qatar National Library

Read & Reflect Video Challenge

2024.7.15 00:00

Online via Instagram

Welcome to Qatar National Library's Read & Reflect Video Challenge!

In this challenge, we invite you to select and read a book from Qatar National Library's collections on the theme of “journey”. Through a creative and engaging video presentation, we would then love to hear about the impact the book has had on you, if it has changed the way you see your life experiences so far, and whether it will affect the choices you make in the future.

Pick up your next read and let the journey begin!


In order to participate in this challenge, entrants must be: 
-    Current members of Qatar National Library.
-    Must have borrowed the chosen book from Qatar National Library's collections.


The theme of the challenge is "journey". Participants must select a book that revolves around the theme of journey.

Examples include: 

-    Careers or starting a business 
-    Emotional journey – personal growth and self-discovery
-    Spiritual journey – inner peace
-    Cultural journey – discovering new cultures and embracing diversity
-    Travel experiences or a physical journey through a country 
-    Health and wellness journey
-    Creative journey – process of creating a work of art or literature
-    Any other journey which is relevant to your personal life experiences that you would like to share. 

Book Selection

•    You must share the title and author of the book you have chosen for the challenge.
•    You must explain why you selected this particular book, and how it is relevant and impactful to your personal journey. 

Video Requirements

Video creation
-    You can create the video in either of the following options:

Option 1: Film with voiceover

•    The video should be high quality, preferably using a smartphone or a camera that records in high resolution.
•    Ensure you mention and incorporate Qatar National Library in your video, and specify that the book was borrowed from our collections. 
•    Ensure there is suitable lighting during filming to make your video visually appealing and easy to watch.
•    Use appropriate instrumental music. Ensure the background music you use is without vocals to maintain the focus on the spoken content.

Option 2: Animated video with text

•    You can create an animated video with text using any animation software of your choice to convey the personal impact of your chosen book. 
•    Use relevant elements to describe your experience. 
•    Ensure the text is large, easy to read and there is enough time for the user to read it. 
•    A voiceover in this format is optional. 
•    Use appropriate instrumental music. 
•    Ensure you mention and incorporate Qatar National Library in your video, and specify that the book was borrowed from our collections. 

Video Content Guidelines

•    Share how the chosen book has impacted you personally.
•    Share your thoughts and feelings about the journey depicted in the book and how it resonates with your own experiences. 
•    Feel free to use creativity, humor, or emotion to convey your message.

Technical Specifications

•    Resolution: Instagram Reels Dimension (1920*1080)
•    Audio: Ensure clear audio quality. Avoid background noise.
•    Originality: Submissions should be original work and not infringe on any copyrights.
•    Language: Videos can be submitted in either English or Arabic.

Submission Process

How to Submit: 
•    Upload your video on Instagram as a reel.
•    Ensure your account is public. 
•    Include the hashtag #QNLReadandReflect in the caption. 
•    Tag our Instagram handle @qatarnationallibrary. 

Judging Criteria:

•    Creativity and originality
•    Emotional impact
•    Relevance to the theme
•    Overall production quality

Prize: The winner will receive an iPad.


The deadline to submit your video is 15 August 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.

Winner Announcement:

•    The winner will be announced during the 1st week of September. 
•    The selected winner will be contacted on Instagram. 
•    The winner must provide their name, membership number, and contact information.  
•    The winner’s video will be shared on QNL’s social media platforms. 

•    By submitting your video, you grant us the right to use and showcase your video on our official platforms with appropriate credit.



Event date and time

Starts:   2024.7.15 00:00
Ends:   2024.8.15 23:59

Event location

Online via Instagram

Add event to your calendar


Qatar National Library